Paella is a golden rice dish which rates with the best rice dishes in the world

Spanish rice dishes originated in the eastern region of Spain, around Valencia, where rice has been cultivated since the Moors introduced it to Europe after the eighth century. The Spanish word for rice is arroz, which comes from the Arabic aruz.

Spanish rice dishes are of three types, all of them prepared with medium-short grain rice. Rice in paella, is cooked in a wide, flat and shallow pan, and is always cooked «dry.» Rice in cazuela or perol, is cooked in an earthenware casserole or a deep metal pan, and is usually meloso or «juicy.» Rice in caldero is cooked in a soup pot and is soupy.

In that case we gonna do a dry one and we add venison and mushrooms.

Mushrooms are abundant and appreciated in many parts of Spain, including Catalunya and Valencia, where they are routinely collected in the wild. The majority of mushrooms, though, are bought in the market. When we are out of season is fine to use them dry. In that case I pick them myself last autumn and dry them to use them all year round.

Spain is a very attractive country for hunting.The mountainous areas are home to wild boar, deer, roebuck and other large game. We gonna use venison. Wild or farmed, venison is always a first-rate meat choice. Free-range and pasture-fed, it has a slightly finer grain than beef. Now is a great time to buy wild venison; the deer are in top form after a summer of abundant feeding. Farmed venison is a less variable, more consistent meat in terms of eating quality, making it a sound year-round choice and is perfect for a beautiful and strong in flavour paellas.

If you want to try to do it yourself click on RECIPE

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