Rolletes ( anise biscuits)
Rolletes ( anise biscuits)
Rolletes ( anise biscuits)
Rolletes ( anise biscuits)
Rolletes ( anise biscuits)


120 g Sugar
80 ml Dry anise liquor ( Cazalla)
375 ml Sunflower oil
700 g Plain Flour
Sugar for Coating
"Los Rolletes", is a anis cookie tipical from the village of my dad in Spain, Puebla de Arenoso. And its a time travel for me to my childhood .


1.In a big bowl, place the sugar, the anise, the pinch of salt and the sunflower oil
2.Add 600 g of flour and mix it well with wooden spoon or a spatula
3.When its all incorporated we can add the rest of the flour and work it this time with our hands
4.The result needs to be a dough that is still wet, but not to wet or it will not give us then crunchiness we are looking for
5.We gonna preheat the oven then on 180 degrees
6.Portion de dough in pieces of approx 25 g each, you should finish with around 54
7.With your hands make some sticks around 4 cm long
8.Coat them with the sugar and close them like a ring
9.Bake them on 180 for 18 minutes
10.The result needs to be a golden ring and quite hard cookie
11.Let them cool down, if you can, and they are ready to eat
12.Hope you like it

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